Saturday, 14 June 2014

Road to NS II

It's been a while since my last post so I'll continue from where I left and again, I would like to thank my readers for their time and attentions ^-^ !!

     Finally, the first month has ended and stage 2 has begun. We were promised action packed activities plus we were warned to prepare physically and mentally so my friend and I decided to kick it up a notch and go do some serious cardio workout and before we know it, our first task begun....
Alex and  I after our morning jog on a weekend XD
      We FINALLY get to deal with some firepower (a M16 5.56mm rifle to be exact) !!! It was worth waking early that morning as we took the bus for a 30-45 minute drive to a training camp. It was definitely wide and almost seemed deserted, all I could was sand and some grass. There were some  signs showing the distance of our current location to the target (beginning from 400m, 300m, 200m and 100m).  After a brief demonstration on how to handle the gun. we were given 30 bullets, 10 trial and 20 to determine our points.

     The next day, we had another activity awaits us that is known as the tali tinggi. Each of us is suppose to climb a wooden ladder to a 2 floor station and from there, we are suppose to cross to another station of the same height using using only 2-3 we'll use the rope will be depending on our gender. The male or wira had to cross it using the cat crawl technique where we are suspended about 2 storeys high and the only way to reach the other end (approximately 10-15 metre) was to crawl on two tight ropes on our hands and feet. After reaching the 2nd station, we begin our journey down using the flying fox.

    There were a bunch of other activities as well such as the latihan air where we spent half a day in a public pool, kembara halangan (obstacles course) as well as the kawad kaki competition (wira Alpha won second place ^-^ ). However, the best was saved for last when the kem brought us out for a outing on my last day here. I went to some awesome tourist attraction such such as the cultural village to check out how Iban and Bidayuh longhouse are suppose to look like and also the Waterfront. The icing on the cake was when my Sarawak friends who were suppose to be at home preparing for Hari Gawai came and join us on the outing. :) It was like having a personal tourist guide that's enjoying the field trip as well

   Even though my time there was not as long as everyone else, it was indeed a good experience, I've seen such beautiful places, made some good friends and of course will miss Sarawak once in a while. Hopefully I'll have a chance to visit it again and perhaps have a long chat with some friends I made there.

My last photo taken in Kuching

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