Monday 29 December 2014

Hectic time

Yea, it`s been a while since I last blog but to those who are reading this, I thank you so much
   This blog I would just like to share some experience throughout 2014...Might not be the best year but it`s definitely the most life changing from getting a part time job to learning a new language (oh yea, my next blog which would be my first blog of 2015 might be in Japanese but I'll definitely put sum translation somewhere, really looking forward to it)
    For starters, I came to realize how hard it is to earn a living....Yea I know that it`s nonsense from someone working part time for barely 2 months but u`ll be surprised how much you can learn..especially when you`re looking for a job alone and not in a group. But actually I manage to land a job thanks to my friend who`s mandarin is far better than mine and managed to help me to communicate with my employer so if you`re reading this, big shout out to u and I'll remember to treat u some ice cream the next time we meet.
     Well first of all, working with foreigners is not something everyone would dreamed of but I enjoyed my time there especially when some of them who don`t know me but are willing to lend a helping hand.
   The next thing I know, I`m spending the next few months at National Service and made some bitter sweet memories. I'll admit it...I doubt I would want to go through that again but I think it's something every teenager needs to go through in life. Seriously, where else will you wake up 4 30 in the morning after hearing noisy trumpets ?? hahaha well glad I made it through that in not only in one piece but with some new company as well...
Mmmm..still not sure whether i can understand that (feel so noob haha)
     And to think that I'll spend the next few weeks resting after that tiring trip but well education waits for no one..and I have to enrol in the toughest (but also most fun) course of my life...And if taking engineering course is hard, try doing it in Japanese. From learning 1000 漢字 (and still counting) to hearing it from the natives speaker who speak with certain dialect definitely not a walk in the park but hey if there are people who can do that, I`m sure Glen can do it as well ^-^

      Well it's been a fun year and I can't wait to meet 2015. To those who are reading this I would like to wish you thank you for reading my blogs, all the best whoever you are and Happy New Year..
I have no idea what I'm doing haha
じゃ また 来年 !!!
Bon Odori, just one of the cool stuff I went to but didn't have time to share it

Saturday 30 August 2014


じゃみんあ、久しぶりですね. Finally found something to blog about. Been a hectic month and somehow manage to find the time to blog bout this.

   Been studying in college for 3 months now n made some new 仲間 since its a class of 15. And i`m in のぞみクラス (classes named based on bullet trains)...and it was an awesome 3 months with these people. And i suppose they're worth they are worth to be blog about regardless of whether any of them will see this @-@ 

Doing lots of crazy things nvr get tired especially wif them, from wearing matching clothes, いっしょにべにょおします、to taking selfish with every teacher we see.. We even give weird nicknames to each other and the best part was, none of them were flattering. Sometimes the craziness was brought from the school, goes riding on the bus and find their way aaaaaalllllll the way back to the dorm...and we just pop another moment in the class the next day

Mid sem is about to end n class reshuffling is not something i`m looking forward to...cus i`ll rather spend the next sem wif the exact same 14 people. But definitely, I will not forget the memories in のぞみ..

Ps : when there`s , 魚 & バナナ、 there`s nozomi !!! (Sori if my japanese is bad, still learning ..)


Saturday 14 June 2014

Road to NS II

It's been a while since my last post so I'll continue from where I left and again, I would like to thank my readers for their time and attentions ^-^ !!

     Finally, the first month has ended and stage 2 has begun. We were promised action packed activities plus we were warned to prepare physically and mentally so my friend and I decided to kick it up a notch and go do some serious cardio workout and before we know it, our first task begun....
Alex and  I after our morning jog on a weekend XD
      We FINALLY get to deal with some firepower (a M16 5.56mm rifle to be exact) !!! It was worth waking early that morning as we took the bus for a 30-45 minute drive to a training camp. It was definitely wide and almost seemed deserted, all I could was sand and some grass. There were some  signs showing the distance of our current location to the target (beginning from 400m, 300m, 200m and 100m).  After a brief demonstration on how to handle the gun. we were given 30 bullets, 10 trial and 20 to determine our points.

     The next day, we had another activity awaits us that is known as the tali tinggi. Each of us is suppose to climb a wooden ladder to a 2 floor station and from there, we are suppose to cross to another station of the same height using using only 2-3 we'll use the rope will be depending on our gender. The male or wira had to cross it using the cat crawl technique where we are suspended about 2 storeys high and the only way to reach the other end (approximately 10-15 metre) was to crawl on two tight ropes on our hands and feet. After reaching the 2nd station, we begin our journey down using the flying fox.

    There were a bunch of other activities as well such as the latihan air where we spent half a day in a public pool, kembara halangan (obstacles course) as well as the kawad kaki competition (wira Alpha won second place ^-^ ). However, the best was saved for last when the kem brought us out for a outing on my last day here. I went to some awesome tourist attraction such such as the cultural village to check out how Iban and Bidayuh longhouse are suppose to look like and also the Waterfront. The icing on the cake was when my Sarawak friends who were suppose to be at home preparing for Hari Gawai came and join us on the outing. :) It was like having a personal tourist guide that's enjoying the field trip as well

   Even though my time there was not as long as everyone else, it was indeed a good experience, I've seen such beautiful places, made some good friends and of course will miss Sarawak once in a while. Hopefully I'll have a chance to visit it again and perhaps have a long chat with some friends I made there.

My last photo taken in Kuching

Monday 14 April 2014

Road To NS Part I

Had some time off, so decided to write another post even though I doubt few would read it hahaha, but for those who are reading it, it means a lot to me :)
After my first post, I began another stage of my life that very few had a chance to go through (not even sure if it was good news or not). Long story short, I was chosen for the second batch of the National Service and had to spend 3 months in a far off place, few hundred kilometres away from home. Well,  I barely lasted a week there but it seems people say that would be the toughest stage. For starters, shaving bald there is not something I'd be proud of but seriously, it's hard to locate everyone behind all the baldness. Well, besides waking up at 5 am every morning (the latest time u can get up or you're gonna get hukuman) and having class at 8-12 am every morning, everything else is quite 6 meals a day and some free shirts and shoes ^-^

         They're all pretty much covered up in a schedule, waking up 4 45 am and wash clothes that are starting to smell, go for a jog and morning exercise at 5 45 and have breakfast at 7 am. Then it's back to dorm in preparation for class (the things they teach in classes are strictly confidential hahaha) then, its lunchtime...meals there are normally better have with companions and thankfully I made some new friends there.

I've only been here for a week but it's been like a year, just trying to keep alive until the second week and see if things get any better

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Face to Face with Society

My first blog and I hope you can continue reading if it's not too much, who might gain something from it

Months ago (December '13-February '14), I had the opportunity of trying out something new and random that is to apply for a part time job. At that time, the first thing that comes into my mind was..."I could earn a few hundreds this way so why not, since I'm not doing anything important during the holidays".

 Nope, I'm not about to share my experience of my entire part time job (Will do so if requested and God willing) but just a fragment of what I learned from those few months. 

       I worked as a part time cashier in a food court and I arguably has the most exposure to the customer (no idea how to put in words but I communicate more with customers compared to most of my colleague), and as a local, I guess I bonded with them more effectively (not to disrespect my foreigner colleague but customers always look for me when they want to complain regardless if the complain had to do with me or not) Long story short, I find that most customers are giving the most absurd complain that I never thought was possible. 
     What's more, the things customers said were not all that different (I refuse to categorized them as complain any more as 90% of them were just simple whining of customers), I normally get several identical trivial matters being tossed to me by customers (and frankly, they'd really tested my patience), and so..I decided to list out a few examples (which are ranked from the least annoying to the most) and I would insert my thoughts when dealing with these sort of none sense

5.  Customers:  So I'll give you this extra 5 ringgit so you should give back the change with one 10 ringgit note and five one ringgit note and 5 twenty cents coins, make sure you give me the old coins
       Me          : (Now you listen here, I don't need you tell me how to do my job and I'm not a money changer so whatever note I'm giving you as change, you better accept it cus there are people waiting for me to charge their bills and not standing here exchanging notes with you)

4. Customers :  Eh, how come she pay first, I was waiting here before her ?!
    Me           :  Okay, sorry (First of all, there is no line here and I can hear you even without u shouting..and thus I decided to accept her bill first because she was quiet enough to wait unlike you...PS...shouting at me only slows me down so I suggest you keep it down until it's your turn)

3. Customers:  What, 5.80 for a cup of tea, you crazy or what?!
     Me          :    (Nope, I'm just a part timer trying to follow the rule, and I'm certainly not the owner of this eatery, so just pay for your cup of tea and let me do my job)

2. Customers : *says some Mandarin stuff
    Me            :  dui bu qi, wo bu hui jiang hua yu [ it means, I'm sorry, I don't speak Chinese]
    Customers :  Apa, u orang cina tak tau cakap cina, u mau saya cakap apa ?! 
    Me            :  (you think i care what  language you can speak, despite barely able to understand mandarin, unlike you, I speak bilingual language well which I doubt you can understand and btw, isn't that's what the national language is for, learn it well before ordering from a local eatery)

1. Customers :  *Starts arguing with me after seeing the bill What, why are you charging me 15.20, the price says it's 13.00?!
    Me :              There's service charge and tax (Nope, the price says 13.00++, you've been living in this world for so long and you've never heard of tax?! -_-Wow you need to get out more)

Yea, some of them might seemed laughable but I deal with them dozens of times already ( I've faced customers #1 about 3-4 times everyday for 2 months) And of course I don't actually use the statements that I thought of as a reply not because I'm afraid to use them but I'm only a part timer and I don't want to put the food court in jeopardy because of my pride. However, I urge all of the customers who are reading this post to spread the message to think before complaining to the cashier because he/she is not a servant but just another person who wants to do the job well or at least earn a living...and I found this picture which states a fact that I know understands
                                        However, I still find some joy in my part time job ^-^